How do I take care of my baby/toddler’s teeth?

If your baby doesn’t have any teeth yet, you can wipe their gums with a clean, warm, wet cloth after every feed. Once their first teeth come in, make sure you keep the cleaning routine and avoid letting your baby fall asleep with a bottle. Don’t allow your baby to drink anything else but milk or water from a bottle.

Your toddler can have their teeth brushed the same way as the rest of the family and until they are three years old they might not be able to spit the toothpaste out, so avoid putting too much toothpaste on the brush. It’s best to use a small smear rather than a blob of toothpaste.

Specialised milk-teeth toothpaste with less fluoride can be used until the first permanent teeth start erupting. If you use regular toothpaste, use it in small quantities.

To find out more about caring for your child’s teeth, or to request an appointment with Redlands Gentle Dental Care, please contact us today.

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